
Larger trucking companies, also known as carriers, comprise less than 25% of the market and while often bearing some financial losses, their economic sustainability is generally assured. It is the small to medium trucking carriers that are working under an outdated and unsustainable business model. Therefore, over 75% of the trucking industry is composed of the small and medium carriers, and that is what Truck-Maxx seek to disrupt.

Like Amazon Freight and Uber Freight, Truck-Maxx is a freight broker. But unlike other freight brokers, Truck-Maxx will help stabilize the freight and trucking industry by transforming the economy of struggling carriers that actually do the work. This will improve the current trajectory of pricing, stability the freight economy, and improve the safety of our roadways.

Introduction –

If the trucking industry stops, the nation stops. According to the American Trucking Association. Nearly every good consumed in the US is transported by a truck at some point. In fact, about 71% of American freight is moved via trucks, equating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue on an annual basis. It is estimated that freight will grow to or surpassed a billion-dollar industry be the end of 2023.

Problem –

Despite this demand, U.S. trucking companies are shutting down at an alarming rate, close to a staggering 1,000 trucking carriers around the pandemic years, an overwhelming majority being small to medium carriers. While some large carriers (companies with over 20 trucks) have been adversely impacted, overall, the brunt of these closures were among small (less than 6) and medium (between 7-20) companies.

Since larger trucking companies comprise less than 25% of the market, they were overall able to pivot faster than smaller ones that didn’t have the necessary equipment, finances or drivers. Therefore, it is the 75% of the trucking industry, composed of small and medium carriers, that Truck Maxx App seeks to disrupt.

Solution –

Truck-Maxx App is a suite of technology-based solutions for truck freight transportation, including an advanced freight broker software for shippers and receivers, and a host of technology-based tools and services for trucks, drivers, and carriers, thus providing a uniform and long-term sustained solution for the chaotic and volatile trucking industry.